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Composition Reading Bank
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Composition Reading Bank is a repository of links to freely available texts that replaces a traditional reader for Composition courses.

This Reading Bank is meant to be an ongoing collaborative project; users should contact Nick Lakostik at nlakosti@cscc.edu if they have ideas for freely accessible texts that would be good additions to the Reading Bank. A summary of what the text is about and how it is or could be useful in your Composition course would also be appreciated. Please also send information about broken links to the same email address.

A link to this resource on the Columbus State Community College Library's web page is:


Except where otherwise indicated, the Composition Reading Bank by Rachel Brooks-Pannell, Shawn Casey, Rebecca Fleming, and Nick Lakostik at Columbus State Community College is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. This license does not extend to the contents of external web pages.

Composition and Rhetoric
English Language Arts
Reading Informational Text
Material Type:
Columbus State Community College
Columbus State Community College
Nick Lakostik
Rachel Brooks-Pannell
Rebecca Fleming
Shawn Casey
Date Added: