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  • Computer Science
Aprendiendo a Programar en Python con mi Computador: Primeros pasos rumbo a cómputos de gran escala en las Ciencias e Ingenierías
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0.0 stars

Este libro está dirigido, principalmente, a Estudiantes y Docentes que quieren aprender a programar como forma de fortalecer sus capacidades cognoscitivas y así obtener un beneficio adicional de su computador para lograr un mejor provecho de sus estudios. Dada la orientación del libro respecto a programar para resolver problemas asociados a las Ciencias e Ingenierías, el requisito mínimo de matemáticas que hemos elegido para presentar el contenido del mismo se cubre, normalmente, en el tercer año del bachillerato. No obstante, el requisito no es obligatorio para leer el libro en su totalidad y adquirir los conocimientos de programación obviando el contenido matemático.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Project LATIn: The Latin American Open Textbook Initiative
Héctor Fernández
Juan Carlos Ruiz
Sergio Rojas
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Blueprints: Creating, Describing, and Implementing Designs for Larger-Scale Software Projects - version 2.3
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0.0 stars

Blueprints is a concise yet comprehensive coverage of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design concepts, suitable for a second programming course in Computer Science. It introduces and teaches application development in a command-line environment, and assumes basic expertise with the Java programming language.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Stephen Davies
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A Brief Introduction to Engineering Computation with MATLAB
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A Brief Introduction to Engineering Computation with MATLAB is specifically designed for students with no programming experience. However, students are expected to be proficient in First Year Mathematics and Sciences and access to good reference books are highly recommended. Students are assumed to have a working knowledge of the Mac OS X or Microsoft Windows operating systems. The strategic goal of the course and book is to provide learners with an appreciation for the role computation plays in solving engineering problems. MATLAB specific skills that students are expected to be proficient at are: write scripts to solve engineering problems including interpolation, numerical integration and regression analysis, plot graphs to visualize, analyze and present numerical data, and publish reports.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax CNX
Serhat Beyenir
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A Byte of Python
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0.0 stars

"A Byte of Python" is a free book on programming using the Python language. It serves as a tutorial or guide to the Python language for a beginner audience. If all you know about computers is how to save text files, then this is the book for you. There are many translations of the book available in different human languages.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Swaroop C.H.
Date Added:
Computer Networking: Principles, Protocols and Practice
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0.0 stars

This open textbook aims to fill the gap between the open-source implementations and the open-source network specifications by providing a detailed but pedagogical description of the key principles that guide the operation of the Internet.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
The Saylor Foundation
Olivier Bonaventure
Date Added:
Computer Networks: A Systems Approach
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Suppose you want to build a computer network, one that has the potential to grow to global proportions and to support applications as diverse as teleconferencing, video on demand, electronic commerce, distributed computing, and digital libraries. What available technologies would serve as the underlying building blocks, and what kind of software architecture would you design to integrate these building blocks into an effective communication service? Answering this question is the overriding goal of this book—to describe the available building materials and then to show how they can be used to construct a network from the ground up.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Bruce Davie
Larry Peterson
Date Added:
Computer Science I - Version 1.3.7
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0.0 stars

This textbook covers the traditional introductory Computer Science I topics but takes a unique approach. Topics are covered in a language-agnostic manner in the first part with supplemental parts that cover the same concepts in a specific language. The current version covers C, Java, and PHP. This textbook as been used in several Computer Science I sections over multiple years at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Chris Bourke
Date Added:
Database Design-2nd Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Database Design - 2nd Edition covers database systems and database design concepts. New to this edition are SQL info, additional examples, key terms and review exercises at the end of each chapter.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Provider Set:
BCcampus Open Textbooks
Adrienne Watt
Nelson Eng
Date Added:
Deep into Pharo
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0.0 stars

Pharo is a clean, innovative, open-source, live-programming environment.

Deep into Pharois the second volume of a series of books covering Pharo. Whereas the first volume is intended for newcomers, this second volume covers deeper topics.You will learn about Pharo frameworks and libraries such as Glamour, PetitParser, Roassal, FileSystem, Regex, and Socket.

You will explore the language with chapters on exceptions, blocks, small integers, and floats.

You will discover tools such as profilers, Metacello and Gofer.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Alexandre Bergel
Damien Cassou
Jannik Laval
Stéphane Ducasse
Date Added:
Defend Dissent
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0.0 stars

Defend Dissent is an introduction to cryptography paired with the social impacts of surveillance and the protective potential of encryption, with a focus on US social movements. Each chapter ends with a story that brings social context to the material—from surveillance used against contemporary US protests to the African National Congress’s use of partially manual encryption in fighting apartheid in South Africa in the 80s.

This book can be read linearly, or you can pick and choose what you would like to learn about. Each chapter is prefaced with what you should read first (for background) and concludes with what you might want to read next.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Oregon State University
Glencora Borradaile
Date Added:
Delftse Foundations of Computation
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0.0 stars

Delftse Foundations of Computation is a textbook for a one quarter introductory course in theoretical computer science. It includes topics from propositional and predicate logic, proof techniques, set theory and the theory of computation, along with practical applications to computer science. It has no prerequisites other than a general familiarity with computer programming.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Delft University of Technology
Neil Yorke-Smith
Stefan Hugtenburg
Date Added:
Digital Circuit Projects: An Overview of Digital Circuits Through Implementing Integrated Circuits - Second Edition
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Digital circuits, often called Integrated Circuits or ICs, are the central building blocks of a Central Processing Unit (CPU). To understand how a computer works, it is essential to understand the digital circuits which make up the CPU. This text introduces the most important of these digital circuits; adders, decoders, multiplexers, D flip-flops, and simple state machines.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Gettysburg College
Charles W. Kann
Date Added:
Diseńo e Implementación de Bases de Datos desde una Perspectiva Práctica
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0.0 stars

Los modelos de datos son mecanismos que permiten la abstracción y representación de un dominio, mediante un conjunto de reglas y símbolos pertenecientes a un lenguaje de modelado que es conforme al modelo. Un modelo puede definirse como la abstracción que permite representar los diferentes elementos pertenecientes a un dominio del negocio, sus relaciones y asociaciones, conforme sucedería en el mundo real.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Project LATIn: The Latin American Open Textbook Initiative
Edgar Fabián Ruano
Héctor Cardona
Jhon Eder Masso
Maritza Fernanda Mera
María Dolores Torres
María Isabel Vidal
Sandra Milena Roa
Date Added:
Eloquent JavaScript: A Modern Introduction to Programming
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0.0 stars

This book contains roughly three parts. The first 11 chapters discussthe JavaScript language itself. The next eight chapters are about webbrowsers and the way JavaScript is used to program them. Finally,two chapters are devoted to Node.js, another environment to programJavaScript in.Throughout the book, there are five project chapters, which describelarger example programs to give you a taste of real programming. Inorder of appearance, we will work through building an artificial life simulation,a programming language, a platform game, a paint program,and a dynamic website.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Marijn Haverbeke.
Date Added:
Enterprise Pharo a Web Perspective
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0.0 stars

Pharo is a clean, innovative, open-source, live-programming environment.

Enterprise Pharo is the third volume of a series of book covering Pharo and its community. Whereas the first volume Pharo by Example is intended for newcomers and the second volume Deep into Pharo covers deep topics of Pharo, this third volume covers libraries and frameworks for enterprises, and in particular those doing web development.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Attila Magyar
Christophe Demarey
Cyril Ferlicot Delbecque
Damien Cassou
Damien Pollet
Esteban Lorenzano
Gabriel Omar Cotelli
Guillaume Larchevêque
Johan Fabry
Liudmyla Dolia
Luc Fabresse
Mariano Martinez-Peck
Martín Dias
Max Leske
Norbert Hartl
Olivier Auverlot
Stéphane Ducasse
Sven Van Caekenberghe
Date Added:
A First Course in Electrical and Computer Engineering
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0.0 stars

This book was written for an experimental freshman course at the University of Colorado. The course is now an elective that the majority of our electrical and computer engineering students take in the second semester of their freshman year, just before their first circuits course. Our department decided to offer this course for several reasons:

we wanted to pique student' interest in engineering by acquainting them with engineering teachers early in their university careers and by providing with exposure to the types of problems that electrical and computer engineers are asked to solve;
we wanted students entering the electrical and computer engineering programs to be prepared in complex analysis, phasors, and linear algebra, topics that are of fundamental importance in our discipline;
we wanted students to have an introduction to a software application tool, such as MATLAB, to complete their preparation for practical and efficient computing in their subsequent courses and in their professional careers;
we wanted students to make early contact with advanced topics like vector graphics, filtering, and binary coding so that they would gain a more rounded picture of modern electrical and computer engineering.
In order to introduce this course, we had to sacrifice a second semester of Pascal programming. We concluded that the sacrifice was worth making because we found that most of our students were prepared for high-level language computing after just one semester of programming.

We believe engineering educators elsewhere are reaching similar conclusions about their own students and curriculums. We hope this book helps create a much needed dialogue about curriculum revision and that it leads to the development of similar introductory courses that encourage students to enter and practice our craft.Students electing to take this course have completed one semester of calculus, computer programming, chemistry, and humanities.

Concurrently with this course, students take physics and a second semester of calculus, as well as a second semester in the humanities. By omitting the advanced topics marked by asterisks, we are able to cover Complex Numbers through Linear Algebra, plus two of the three remaining chapters. The book is organized so that the instructor can select any two of the three. If every chapter of this book is covered, including the advanced topics, then enough material exists for a two-semester course.

The first three chapters of this book provide a fairly complete coverage of complex numbers, the functions e^x and e^jand phasors. Our department philosophy is that these topics must be understood if a student is to succeed in electrical and computer engineering. These three chapters may also be used as a supplement to a circuits course. A measured pace of presentation, taking between sixteen and eighteen lectures, is sufficient to cover all but the advanced sections in Complex Numbers through Phasors.

The chapter on "linear algebra" is prerequisite for all subsequent chapters. We use eight to ten lectures to cover it. We devote twelve to sixteen lectures to cover topics from Vector Graphics through Binary Codes. (We assume a semester consisting of 42 lectures and three exams.) The chapter on vector graphics applies the linear algebra learned in the previous chapter to the problem of translating, scaling, and rotating images. "Filtering" introduces the student to basic ideas in averaging and filtering. The chapter on "Binary Codes" covers the rudiments of binary coding, including Huffman codes and Hamming codes.

If the users of this book find "Vector Graphics" through "Binary Codes" too confining, we encourage them to supplement the essential material in "Complex Numbers" through "Linear Algebra" with their own course notes on additional topics. Within electrical and computer engineering there are endless possibilities. Practically any set of topics that can be taught with conviction and enthusiasm will whet the student's appetite. We encourage you to write to us or to our editor, Tom Robbins, about your ideas for additional topics. We would like to think that our book and its subsequent editions will have an open architecture that enables us to accommodate a wide range of student and faculty interests.

Throughout this book we have used MATLAB programs to illustrate key ideas. MATLAB is an interactive, matrix-oriented language that is ideally suited to circuit analysis, linear systems, control theory, communications, linear algebra, and numerical analysis. MATLAB is rapidly becoming a standard software tool in universities and engineering companies. (For more information about MATLAB, return the attached card in the back of this book to The MathWorks, Inc.) MATLAB programs are designed to develop the student's ability to solve meaningful problems, compute, and plot in a high-level applications language. Our students get started in MATLAB by working through “An Introduction to MATLAB,” while seated at an IBM PC (or look-alike) or an Apple Macintosh. We also have them run through the demonstration programs in "Complex Numbers". Each week we give three classroom lectures and conduct a one-hour computer lab session. Students use this lab session to hone MATLAB skills, to write programs, or to conduct the numerical experiments that are given at the end of each chapter. We require that these experiments be carried out and then reported in a short lab report that contains (i) introduction, (ii) analytical computations, (iii) computer code, (iv) experimental results, and (v) conclusions. The quality of the numerical results and the computer graphics astonishes students. Solutions to the chapter problems are available from the publisher for instructors who adopt this text for classroom use.

We wish to acknowledge our late colleague Richard Roberts, who encouraged us to publish this book, and Michael Lightner and Ruth Ravenel, who taught "Linear Algebra" and "Vector Graphics" and offered helpful suggestions on the manuscript. We thank C. T. Mullis for allowing us to use his notes on binary codes to guide our writing of "Binary Codes". We thank Cédric Demeure and Peter Massey for their contributions to the writing of "An Introduction to MATLAB" and "The Edix Editor". We thank Tom Robbins, our editor at Addison-Wesley, for his encouragement, patience, and many suggestions. We are especially grateful to Julie Fredlund, who composed this text through many drafts and improved it in many ways. We thank her for preparing an excellent manuscript for production.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax CNX
Louis Scharf
Date Added:
First Semester in Numerical Analysis with Python
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0.0 stars

The book is based on “First semester in Numerical Analysis with Julia”, written by Giray Ökten. The contents of the original book are retained, while all the algorithms are implemented in Python (Version 3.8.0). Python is an open source (under OSI), interpreted, general-purpose programming language that has a large number of users around the world. Python is ranked the third in August 2020 by the TIOBE programming community index, a measure of popularity of programming languages, and is the top-ranked interpreted language. We hope this book will better serve readers who are interested in a first course in Numerical Analysis, but are more familiar with Python for the implementation of the algorithms.

The first chapter of the book has a self-contained tutorial for Python, including how to set up the computer environment. Anaconda, the open-source individual edition, is recommended for an easy installation of Python and effortless management of Python packages, and the Jupyter environment, a web-based interactive development environment for Python as well as many other programming languages, was used throughout the book and is recommended to the readers for easy code development, graph visualization and reproducibility.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Auraria Institutional Repository
Yaning Liu
Date Added:
Foundations of Computation
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0.0 stars

Foundations of Computation is a free textbook for a one-semester course in theoretical computer science. It has been used for several years in a course at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. The course has no prerequisites other than introductory computer programming. The first half of the course covers material on logic, sets, and functions that would often be taught in a course in discrete mathematics. The second part covers material on automata, formal languages, and grammar that would ordinarily be encountered in an upper level course in theoretical computer science.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Hobart and William Smith Colleges
Carol Critchlow, David Eck
Date Added:
High Performance Computing
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

The purpose of this book is to teach new programmers and scientists about the basics of High Performance Computing. Too many parallel and high performance computing books focus on the architecture, theory and computer science surrounding HPC. This book speaks to the practicing chemistry student, physicist, or biologist who need to write and run their programs as part of their research.

Applied Science
Computer Science
Material Type:
Rice University
Provider Set:
OpenStax CNX
Charles Severance
Kevin Dowd
Date Added: