ACC Learn OER is a series of self-paced online learning modules designed …
ACC Learn OER is a series of self-paced online learning modules designed specifically for Austin Community College faculty and staff. The first nine modules will serve as an introduction to open educational resources (OER) and as an opportunity for further exploration and discovery of open education practices. The tenth module serves as a final assessment of learning. Throughout the modules there are opportunities to test ones knowledge and further explore a concept. The modules allow one to learn at their own pace. While one can follow the modules in any order, it is recommended to start with Module 1 and progress through in order.
The Adaptation Guide is a practical reference about how to customize — …
The Adaptation Guide is a practical reference about how to customize — or adapt — an open textbook so that it better fits your needs in the classroom and elsewhere. This guide defines the term adaptation and discusses reasons for revising a book, why this is possible with an open textbook, and the challenges involved.
The second edition is an updated and expanded version of the original …
The second edition is an updated and expanded version of the original adoption guide. The first sections address three distinct groups involved in open textbook adoption: instructors, post-secondary institutions, and students. The second--most comprehensive--section focuses on the operational aspects of adoption: surveying instructors about, tracking usage of, and reporting out about open textbooks (and other OER). The last "Learn More" part provides additional adoption information.
This report presents the results of a biennial independent survey done by …
This report presents the results of a biennial independent survey done by the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME) commissioned by the Digital Higher Education Consortium of Texas (DigiTex), in collaboration with the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board (THECB), to examine the landscape of Open Educational Resources (OER) programs, policies, and practices at higher education institutions in Texas.
This guide is for faculty authors, librarians, project managers and others who …
This guide is for faculty authors, librarians, project managers and others who are involved in the production of open textbooks in higher education and K-12. Content includes a checklist for getting started, publishing program case studies, textbook organization and elements, writing resources and an overview of useful tools.
The course introduces students to the nature of life, concepts of biochemistry, …
The course introduces students to the nature of life, concepts of biochemistry, metabolism, genetics, cellular and molecular biology. Students will learn about the various techniques used to study biology - cloning, gene editing and the exciting field of Genetic Engineering.This Open Education Resource Core Curriculum course was developed with funding from Texas Higher Education Board - Open Educational Resources Grant Program (OERGP) 2018-2019 RFA # 20337.
This course is a guide for OER specialists who are looking to …
This course is a guide for OER specialists who are looking to establish a workflow, locate openly licensed resources, create accessible content, and produce openly licensed materials--especially textbooks--in an organized format. The course was developed under an Open Textbooks Pilot grant from the Fund for the Improvement of Postsecondary Education (FIPSE), U.S. Department of Education.
This is a Principles of Macroeconomics course utilizing exclusively Open Educational Resources …
This is a Principles of Macroeconomics course utilizing exclusively Open Educational Resources and designed in Canvas. This course is mapped to the Learning Outcomes for ECON 2301 as established under the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board Academic Course Guide Manual. This course is based on Openstax Principles of Macroeconomics 2e textbook and incorporates key components from EDUC 1301: Learning Frameworks, designed to enhance the student’s experience as well as to improve overall student learning. The course was developed by a faculty team from Collin College as part of the Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board OER Course Development and Implementation Grant Program.
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what …
Critical thinking is the ability to think clearly and rationally about what to do or what to believe. It includes the ability to engage in reflective and independent thinking. Someone with critical thinking skills is able to do the following:
Understand the logical connections between ideas. Identify, construct, and evaluate arguments. Detect inconsistencies and common mistakes in reasoning. Solve problems systematically. Identify the relevance and importance of ideas. Reflect on the justification of one’s own beliefs and values. Critical thinking is not simply a matter of accumulating information. A person with a good memory and who knows a lot of facts is not necessarily good at critical thinking. Critical thinkers are able to deduce consequences from what they know, make use of information to solve problems, and to seek relevant sources of information to inform themselves.
Critical thinking should not be confused with being argumentative or being critical of other people. Although critical thinking skills can be used in exposing fallacies and bad reasoning, critical thinking can also play an important role in cooperative reasoning and constructive tasks. Critical thinking can help us acquire knowledge, improve our theories, and strengthen arguments. We can also use critical thinking to enhance work processes and improve social institutions.
Some people believe that critical thinking hinders creativity because critical thinking requires following the rules of logic and rationality, whereas creativity might require breaking those rules. This is a misconception. Critical thinking is quite compatible with thinking “out-of-the-box,” challenging consensus views, and pursuing less popular approaches. If anything, critical thinking is an essential part of creativity because we need critical thinking to evaluate and improve our creative ideas.
This module includes information to help find, evaluate, adapt and share open …
This module includes information to help find, evaluate, adapt and share open educational resources to meet learning outcomes and objectives. The module also offers information on how to describe and organize OER to enable its discovery by future users.
The Fall 2020 term served as a litmus test of how well …
The Fall 2020 term served as a litmus test of how well the evolving course material distribution and selection process works for U.S. higher education. More faculty than ever before had to select and adapt their course materials, with less time than previous years to explore their options and make decisions.
The Equity Through OER Rubric is a comprehensive self-assessment tool, designed to …
The Equity Through OER Rubric is a comprehensive self-assessment tool, designed to guide students, faculty, administrators and other academic practitioners and leaders in not only better understanding, but also acting on the equity dimensions of OER. The rubric is organized by categories, aligned with roles and functions for higher education institutions, units and practitioners. Its overarching goal is to enable users to integrate OER in equitable ways across higher education leading to quality and equitable student access, outcomes and success.
If you haven’t discovered already, there are myriad open resources that exist. …
If you haven’t discovered already, there are myriad open resources that exist. Often the trouble lies in locating those that fit precisely what you need. We’ve broken down these resources with the intent of making the search process more efficient and effective. For each you’ll find a list of unique traits, licensing information, and an example of how to attribute the source. Click one of the media sources in the Find Resources sub-menu for the details.
Fundamentals of Business, Second Edition (2018) is an 372-page open education resource …
Fundamentals of Business, Second Edition (2018) is an 372-page open education resource intended to serve as a no-cost, faculty customizable primary text for one-semester undergraduate introductory business courses. It covers the following topics in business: Teamwork; economics; ethics; entrepreneurship; business ownership, management, and leadership; organizational structures and operations management; human resources and motivating employees; managing in labor union contexts; marketing and pricing strategy; hospitality and tourism, accounting and finance, and personal finances. The textbook was designed for use in Virginia Tech’s Pamplin College of Business introductory level business course, MGT1104 Foundations of Business and is shared under a Creative Commons Non-Commercial ShareAlike 4.0 license.
2018 version formats include: PDF, Accessible "screen reader friendly" PDF, ePub, Mobi, XML/Pressbooks (editable), and open document format. The Pressbooks online version (HTML) is available at: The 2016 version of this book includes editable MSWord files.
If you are an instructor reviewing, adopting, or adapting this textbook, please help us understand your use by filling out this form
BIOL 1106 OER course developed with funding from Texas Higher Education Board …
BIOL 1106 OER course developed with funding from Texas Higher Education Board - Open Educational Resources Grant Program (OERGP) through the Governor's Emergency Education Relief (GEER) Fund. 2020-2022 RFA # 23906.
This laboratory-based course accompanies Biology 1306, Biology for Science Majors I. Laboratory activities reinforce the fundamental principles of living organisms, including physical and chemical properties of life, organization and function. Study and examination of the concepts of cytology, reproduction, genetics, DNA, Biotechnology and scientific reasoning are included.
The course is designed for both 100% online and 100% in-person laboratory options. It is organized into modules. Each module includes an introduction to the topic, tutorials, online and in-person activities, lab reports, as well as pre and post lab quizzes to ensure learner success.
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Your remixing, redistributing, or making derivatives works comes with some restrictions, including how it is shared.
Your redistributing comes with some restrictions. Do not remix or make derivative works.
Most restrictive license type. Prohibits most uses, sharing, and any changes.
Copyrighted materials, available under Fair Use and the TEACH Act for US-based educators, or other custom arrangements. Go to the resource provider to see their individual restrictions.