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Public Speaking

The Public Speaking Course Content is designed to help the instructor teach all of the objectives of the course and can be used as a whole or in pieces or modules. 

The full course is entitled Public Speaking Course Content.

ABOUT THIS CONTENT: This content was created as part of an Ohio Department of Higher Education Innovation Grant to create Open Educational Resources for high enrollment courses. A team of faculty content collaborators, a librarian, and a faculty review team worked together to curate this content and assure that it meets the Transfer Assurance Guidelines for this course. This work was completed and the course was posted in September 2019. 

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7 Differences Between Good and Great Speakers
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You've probably attended dozens, if not hundreds, of conferences during your career and then listened to the feedback about the conference speakers in the hallway. "He was great." "She was pretty good." "Boring. Half the audience walked out."

Yet, beyond the generalities of "heard it before" or "very entertaining," those offering the critiques may have been hard pressed to tell you specifically what made the difference in their reactions.

Business and Communication
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Dianna Booher
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Audience Analysis
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

A brief tutorial on conducting and applying information from audience analysis for public speaking. Topics include the importance and types of audience analysis, as well as methods for gathering information for audience analysis.

Business and Communication
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COMMPadres Media
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Even More Fallacies!
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

There's lots of... um... let's say "discussion" on the web, and I think we can all agree that it's not always constructive. You may have seen our Fallacies episode, in which we tried to help internet arguers make more solid, logical arguments. So to kick off the new year, we're offering a few more ideas to help you argue better on the internet in 2015! Check out our second installment of our field guide to Bad Arguments, and let us know what you think!

Business and Communication
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PBS Idea Channel
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Exploring Public Speaking: 4th Edition
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
0.0 stars

Instructors: The Third Edition includes a set of test banks which are not available to the public. For access to these resources, please contact Dr. Barbara Tucker at btucker@daltonstate.edu.

Exploring Public Speaking: The Free College Public Speaking Textbook began as the brainchild of Dr. Kris Barton, Chair of the Department of Communication at Dalton State College. It also was made possible through a generous Textbook Transformation Grant in 2015 from Affordable Learning Georgia, a highly successful program of the University System of Georgia. Dr. Barton asked me to help him author/compile the text.

The goal was to provide a high-quality, usable, accessible, and low-cost textbook for the hundreds of students who take COMM 1110 at Dalton State College every year. This course is required of all degree-seeking students. We have been able to save students hundreds of thousands of dollars already with this text. Unexpectedly and happily, the text has also been downloaded close to 14,000 times (as of August 2018) all over the world and has been adopted at many other institutions.

Dr. Barton and I worked on creating the textbook from July 2015 until May 2016, with the goal of going live with the text in Summer of 2016. Tragically Dr. Barton passed away in early May, a reality that still does not seem real. He has been greatly missed as a friend, colleague, father, scholar, teacher, and mentor.

The launch of the book proceeded; however, due to the loss of Dr. Barton, the ancillaries were not finished. In Summer 2017 I took on a significant revision and updating which I named the Second Edition. I included in that edition information on college student success in the appendices. In January 2018, a colleague, Matthew LeHew, and I won a grant from the University System to create the ancillaries and improve the format for more accessibility. I decided to remove the “Dalton State” from the title and most examples for wider appeal. An appendix on library research retains the information for specific use of Roberts Library on our campus.

Over 90% of the book is original with Dr. Barton, me, or other colleagues at Dalton State College. Some parts, specifically from Chapters 9, 10, and 15, are adapted from another open resource public speaking text whose author prefers not to be cited.

This Third Edition, along with including necessary updates and being formatted with different software, includes four more appendices: one on online speaking, one on APA, one on humor and storytelling in public speaking, and one on Dalton State’s Library. I have also tried to clarify concepts, to provide “case studies” to show the rhetorical process, and include more outlines and examples.

We think this book is especially useful in coverage of PowerPoint, audience responsiveness, ethics in public speaking, special occasion speeches, and structure of speeches. Three ancillaries are available: electronic “flash cards” for study, Powerpoints on the 15 main chapters, and test banks for the 15 main chapters.

Thank you for downloading Exploring Public Speaking, and the co-authors and I truly wish you happy teaching and learning with it. We welcome input. If you choose to use it, let us know at btucker@daltonstate.edu.

Business and Communication
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University System of Georgia
Provider Set:
Galileo Open Learning Materials
Barbara Tucker
Kristin Barton
Date Added:
Five Fallacies
Read the Fine Print
Educational Use
0.0 stars

Arguing on the internet, everyone's favorite pastime! But unfortunately, some people don't do it very well - or at least they could do it better. You owe it to them (and yourself!) to help them out and make their claims and/or arguments less fallacious. In doing so, you'll increase the quality of discourse between the both of you, perhaps even helping you finally figure out DEEP QUESTIONS like "WHAT IS LOVE" and "WHY IS SRIRACHA SO DANG TASTY." Educate yourself and your fellow internet commenters in this week's Idea Channel episode.

Business and Communication
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PBS Idea Channel
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Informative Speaking Basics
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0.0 stars

A brief tutorial on creating and delivering informative speeches. Topics include who is giving informative speeches, topics for informative speeches, and organizational patterns commonly used in informative speeches.

Business and Communication
Material Type:
COMMPadres Media
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Informative Speaking: Bright Ideas in Public Speaking with Dr. Sunny
Unrestricted Use
0.0 stars

Informative speaking is actually the most common type of speech people are asked to give. An informative speech is one where you objectively present information. You’re not trying to change anyone’s mind...although you can ethically share your opinions when appropriate.

An informative speech is about an object, person, event, process, concept or idea. It’s a speech where you not only define the topic for the audience, but you fully explore it so they are informed.

Business and Communication
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Sunny Hughes
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Know Your Client: Identifying Your Intended Audience And Target Client
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Who is your target client or customer? What do your intended audience like? In this video, I talk about how important it is to find and know your client – the perfect recipient of your goods and services. I lead you in the step-by-step creation of your ideal customer avatar.

Business and Communication
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Robin Waite
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