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  • sleep
Introduction to Psychology Course Content
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The Introduction to Psychology course was developed through the Ohio Department of Higher Education OER Innovation Grant. This work was completed and the course was posted in September 2018. The course is part of the Ohio Transfer Module and is also named OSS015. For more information about credit transfer between Ohio colleges and universities please visit: www.ohiohighered.org/transfer.Team LeadVincent Granito                                    Lorain County Community CollegeContent ContributorsNicole Brandt                                       Columbus State Community CollegeLynne Gabriel                                      Lakeland Community CollegeJackie Sample                                     Central Ohio Technical CollegeLibrarianRachel Dilley                                       Columbus State Community CollegeReview TeamMelissa Beers                                      Ohio State UniversityBryan Gerber                                        Stark State College

Social Science
Material Type:
Full Course
Ohio Open Ed Collaborative
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Introduction to Psychology Course Content, State of Consciousness, States of Consciousness - Course Map and Recommended Resources
Conditional Remix & Share Permitted
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 How to Use this GuideThis guide provides information and resources on state of consciousness for an Introduction to Psychology course. All resources are Open Access and can be downloaded or added to a Course Management System (LMS) via the hyperlinks.  IntroductionThis section will explore states of consciousness with significant discussion on sleep. However, other altered states of consciousness due to psychoactive drugs, hypnosis, and meditation will be reviewed.According to the APA recommendations and Ohio TAG, this chapter also falls within Pillar 1 (Biological). This chapter is considered “optional” under the Ohio TAG, which requires Biology of Behavior and either Consciousness or Sensation to satisfy the requirements for Pillar 1: Biological. If you select to cover this chapter as your second topic within Biological, consider emphasizing the biological aspects of consciousness including the biology of consciousness and sleep, and the biological effects of drugs on consciousness (e.g., drugs as agonists and antagonists).

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